Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The War with Grandpa

Just wondering if any of you are enjoying the book. Let me know what you like about it, maybe a favorite part. Have you noticed anything that might be connected to the Revolutionary War?

Do any of you have a grandparent living with you? If so, what are your feelings about it?
Rate the book---1 to 5 stars ***** (5 is best)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Capuchin Monkeys

We will be learning more about them in Theme 4.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

CSUC Theater Tour

I know you all enjoyed seeing what happens backstage and "behind the scenes." Share your comments with our hosts. What did you like--or what were some things that interested you? How many of you would be interested in stage production, either on stage or backstage? Share.

CSUC Science Lab

How did all of you enjoy the hands-on placte tectonics lab yesterday? It was impressive to see all of you looking like real scientists with your lab coats and protective eye goggles. Some of you might be interested in making science your career someday. What do you think?

Let's let our instructors know what you especially enjoyed about your experience yesterday. Write your comments and I will make a special request that they visit this page to view your feedback.