Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fractions: Number Line

Try this site for learning about number lines.


Anonymous said...

I learned that I had to count how many parts the line was divided. Then I counted how many parts were colored in red. The total parts of the line was the denominator, and the part colored red was the numerator.

Anonymous said...

I learned that I have to count the numerator and the denomenator.The numerater is the top number and the denomenator is the bottem number.

Anonymous said...

I learnd that the total parts of the line was the denomenator.

Anonymous said...

I learnd that the total parts of t
the line was the denomenator.

Anonymous said...

I learned you have to count the red parts thet are called numerator and the white parts called denominator to find the answer for the question. bb

Anonymous said...

I learned to count the parts of the line. The number of parts was the denominator. The part in red was the numerator.

Anonymous said...

I Learned that i had to count how many all together and how many are shaded red the total parts of the line is called denominator and the part that was red is the numerator i also learned how to make a number line and i also learned how to do fractions with this activity i also now know you are not supposed to count the first line

Anonymous said...

We leaned to count the denominater.
And the numerator that was red and it easy to do it.And we liked it.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.lucero I learned alot about fractions and this one got the numerater and denominator stuck in my head so now i can remember what the numerator and denominator is.
so thank you for showing this fun little game and I wont forget to tell my mom hi. and I learned how to count the numerator without getting connfused so thank you for showing me this game and for being my teacher and for putting up this game for us. your student

Anonymous said...

I learne how to couten a numberline.I also I had to couten all the nembers to get the denomintor.And the shaded part was the newminator l.s.

Anonymous said...

I learned how to make a number line and how to count a number line bw

Anonymous said...

I learned that the number line has to have a numerator and denomintor.
The number line can have differnt.

Anonymous said...

I learn that I should always count fraction and now that im learning more about it its getting fun to me thank you Mrs.Lucero it was fun learning fraction with you today I would love to do play this game again I won't forget this fun game ever and it did help me to do fraction thank you very much! Mrs.lucero! Im so happy to be your student.

Anonymous said...

I learned that I have to count the redlines and the whitelines to figure the anwsers.I also learned that the redlines were the numerator.

Anonymous said...

We counted all the lines that where
colered in and found then anwser.

Anonymous said...

I learned that denominator is the number of parts on the line and the red

Anonymous said...

I learned that I had to count the denomirator and numerator.RE

Anonymous said...

I learned that I could make a fractions out of a number line.


Anonymous said...

We learned to count how many parts the line was divided.Then we counted how many parts were colored in blue.The total parts of the line was the denominator,and the part colored in blue was the numerator. S.C. R.P. 11

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Lucero you are my favorite teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you made 6 grade sooooo easy